přidáno 03.08.2009
hodnoceno 3
čteno 2025(16)
posláno 0
you've came to my life like a wave of the bright light,
I fell in love so quickly, that's very serious case,
and I couldn't stop thinking about you not even in night,
and now you're gone, you're gone for only a few days,
but I miss you so much, I miss you all the time I'm not with you,
I don't know what to do, I'm sad, I'm in love,
I love you, and I hope that one day you'll love me too,
my heart is ripping apart, I miss you, oh my god...
this is very hard test for me, how it happened, I don't wonder,
I'm in love after two years, after two years you put me on my knees,
my head is in the sky, but I can't take it any longer,
I need you, I love you, I miss you and I say please,
get back to me, say "I love you too", don't agonize me,
I know, it's fresh, you can't know what you really feel,
I want to be your love life, yes, that's I wanna be,
you hit my heart with the love, like the Achilles' heel,
I need just a message, just some text, just I miss you too,
just some words of felief, just something nice,
that's not normal, I feel like a boy, I don't know what to do,
just more four days and you'll be back and I should work,
but I can't, I have to think about you, because I feel empty,
empty without you, I'm now silly on work like some dork,
it's so long time when you're in love, god damn it,
I LOVE YOU, I MISS YOU...again...
přidáno 02.04.2015 - 09:41
to asi psal společně s Jackem Danielsem a Johny Walkerem
přidáno 04.08.2009 - 11:19
už vyplouvá loď John B
přidáno 04.08.2009 - 00:56
Zdá se mi to jako směsice nějakých zamilovaných anglických frází...a absolutně se v tom nevyznám...promiň...:-(

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