přidáno 21.06.2009
hodnoceno 2
čteno 1236(13)
posláno 0
I met a girl, I didn't know her,
but when I knew her, I imideatly loved her,
she was lovely, she was bright,
and sudenly I know, she is the right,
she was my dream, I liked her,
but she couldn't choose and I didn't want a fight,
I didn't know what to do, I didn't know how to act,
what is the solution, when you're not a god,
how to tell her, that no one is better,
that she have to choose without a matter,
pick up a one, but re-think it twice,
she'll choose wrong and she'll have a slice,
she will loose everything, she'll have nothing,
it's a hard desicion to choose the right coming,
we both have a part, we both are good,
but she don't know what is her mood,
she'd like to kiss us both,
she want to have us, but we are not one,
so stop this nonsencing bus,
step backward and be our friend,
or do the right step and choose the right man,
and when you will decide, I don't care who it will be,
that's my selfish being, I want it'll be me,
we have so much common, we understang each other,
but he's just a lady-killer, he's like everyone other,
but he's my best frined and I can't hurt him,
but she is the one and I'll have to fight him,
that is the mystery, how she will act,
when she liked us both and doesn't know who to cut,
It's in the stars, it's in the future,
how it will happen, no one can tell...
přidáno 21.06.2009 - 23:49
Už před časem jsem si u sebe všimla jedné věci. Miluju totiž angličtinu, takže když poslouchám anglické texty, líbí se mi všechno. V angličtině totiž i ty největší kecy zní pěkně, protože je to prostě great language. But here I miss the plot. A taky postrádám rytmus a být tebou, doladila bych i pravopis. Ale chválím i pokus psát v AJ.:)
přidáno 21.06.2009 - 12:43
Pozor na některé chybičky v pravopisu; postrádám v tom nějaký rytmus, něco co by mě zaujalo, abych si to někdy přečetl znovu. Přijde mi, jako bys báseň původně psal v češtině a pak ji jen přeložil.

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