Parodie na manuálové stránky v Linuxu. Zajímá vás, co dělá volba --abraca-dabra?
18.02.2020 4 783(12) 0 |
dwnothdb − does what no other tool has done before
dwnothdb ARG...
dwnothdb is a file exploring tool that was originally aimed to search file system for random files, process them using artificial intelligence, filter them, temporarily hide the output and then discard it, but in the current version it surely can do even more useful things that no other tool has done before.
:: Sets the initial size of internal buffer in 387-bytes blocks. You can use multiplicative suffixes for other block-sizes: c − 1 byte, w − 2 bytes, C − 60 bytes, W − 200 bytes, k − 1024 bytes. Please note that the buffer will be enlarged automatically.
:: Insert a delimiter string between „abraca“ and „dabra“ parts of every „abracadabra“ word on the standard output.
:: Enables experimental support of Braille alphabet. Available since version 3.14.27. Cannot be combined with -G. This option is meant for developers, because no input method for Braille alphabet is supported yet. You are supposed to implement it before using this option.
:: Sets the delimiter string. Default is a letter "D".
:: Output text in EBCDIC character set. Cannot be combined with -q or -y.
:: Ignore EDITOR environment variable. This option is obsolete and does nothing since version 1.1.1.
:: Customize output using your geographic location. This requires internet connection.
:: The argument of --regex option is extended POSIX regular expression instead of a basic one.
:: Garbage-in-garbage-out mode. Produces output that does not make sense, unless the input makes sense.
:: Prints the help and exists.
:: Read from the standard input instead of random files.
:: Appends an extra new line character at the end of output. Does not append the character if the output contains no more that NUMBER printable characters.
:: Disable implicit redirection of the standard output to a hidden temporary file.
:: Has effect only with -v. Instead of political speeches use poems written in programming languages.
:: Really execute the operation and do not discard results. The default is to check syntax, simulate, wait for random period of time and discard results.
--regex PATTERN
:: Filters output using given basic POSIX regular expression.
:: Verbose mode. Will include a series of political speeches to the standard error output.
:: Prints the program version and exists.
-y or --bytes
:: Output bytes instead of non-ASCII characters. Useful for computer geeks that want to be cool.
:: Use zero byte instead of new line character on the standard output.
0 − successful termination
1 − artificial inteligence engine did not like any of explored files
2 − something wrong happened
* No localization or other character sets than ASCII and EBCDIC are supported yet. The only way of customization is the option -g.
* Political speeches in verbose mode usually repeat and make no sense.
blkklbble(1), tp(1)
Send bug reports to
Copyright © 1991-2003 Singularis
dwnothdb − does what no other tool has done before
dwnothdb ARG...
dwnothdb is a file exploring tool that was originally aimed to search file system for random files, process them using artificial intelligence, filter them, temporarily hide the output and then discard it, but in the current version it surely can do even more useful things that no other tool has done before.
:: Sets the initial size of internal buffer in 387-bytes blocks. You can use multiplicative suffixes for other block-sizes: c − 1 byte, w − 2 bytes, C − 60 bytes, W − 200 bytes, k − 1024 bytes. Please note that the buffer will be enlarged automatically.
:: Insert a delimiter string between „abraca“ and „dabra“ parts of every „abracadabra“ word on the standard output.
:: Enables experimental support of Braille alphabet. Available since version 3.14.27. Cannot be combined with -G. This option is meant for developers, because no input method for Braille alphabet is supported yet. You are supposed to implement it before using this option.
:: Sets the delimiter string. Default is a letter "D".
:: Output text in EBCDIC character set. Cannot be combined with -q or -y.
:: Ignore EDITOR environment variable. This option is obsolete and does nothing since version 1.1.1.
:: Customize output using your geographic location. This requires internet connection.
:: The argument of --regex option is extended POSIX regular expression instead of a basic one.
:: Garbage-in-garbage-out mode. Produces output that does not make sense, unless the input makes sense.
:: Prints the help and exists.
:: Read from the standard input instead of random files.
:: Appends an extra new line character at the end of output. Does not append the character if the output contains no more that NUMBER printable characters.
:: Disable implicit redirection of the standard output to a hidden temporary file.
:: Has effect only with -v. Instead of political speeches use poems written in programming languages.
:: Really execute the operation and do not discard results. The default is to check syntax, simulate, wait for random period of time and discard results.
--regex PATTERN
:: Filters output using given basic POSIX regular expression.
:: Verbose mode. Will include a series of political speeches to the standard error output.
:: Prints the program version and exists.
-y or --bytes
:: Output bytes instead of non-ASCII characters. Useful for computer geeks that want to be cool.
:: Use zero byte instead of new line character on the standard output.
0 − successful termination
1 − artificial inteligence engine did not like any of explored files
2 − something wrong happened
* No localization or other character sets than ASCII and EBCDIC are supported yet. The only way of customization is the option -g.
* Political speeches in verbose mode usually repeat and make no sense.
blkklbble(1), tp(1)
Send bug reports to
Copyright © 1991-2003 Singularis
19.02.2020 - 13:37
Sekce DESCRIPTION je dokonalá. Už jsem se parkrát potkal někde (asi na Hacker News) s popisy produktů, ze kterých bylo vidět o co jde asi podobně jako v tomhle případě. :-)
Dále je nutné zmínit pár nedokumentovaných vlastností: např. že parametr --gigo výchozím nastavení zapnutý a není možnost jak ho vypnout.
Jinak parametry -v, --poetry a -q si vyloženě říkají o implementaci v nějakém reálném programu.
BTW - teď mě napadá - nechceš to postnout do nějaké programátorské komunity nebo na nějaké linuxové fórum? Tam by to IMHO našlo lepší publikum než zde.
Dále je nutné zmínit pár nedokumentovaných vlastností: např. že parametr --gigo výchozím nastavení zapnutý a není možnost jak ho vypnout.
Jinak parametry -v, --poetry a -q si vyloženě říkají o implementaci v nějakém reálném programu.
BTW - teď mě napadá - nechceš to postnout do nějaké programátorské komunity nebo na nějaké linuxové fórum? Tam by to IMHO našlo lepší publikum než zde.
19.02.2020 - 07:15
Skvělé. Pobavilo mě to. Parametr -v je výborný nápad (politické kafrání má mnohdy stejnou vypovídací hodnotu, jako ty chybové hlášky).
Vzpomněl jsem si, jak jsme jednou s kolegy čučeli na tragikomickou hlášku "unexplained error".
Díky. :o))
Vzpomněl jsem si, jak jsme jednou s kolegy čučeli na tragikomickou hlášku "unexplained error".
Díky. :o))
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