05.05.2008 2 1449(26) 0 |
It's darksome night again
And the lips can taste the air
And it's just like your own smell
of trees I've never seen
And I'm blind but fine
Songbird sings his song
about auroral dawn
And he thinks it's my last hope
But I know he takes this wrong
'Cause it's far away
Lead me across the shadows
Fill me with safeness
Heat me with love and grace
Be with me
My aurora
And the lips can taste the air
And it's just like your own smell
of trees I've never seen
And I'm blind but fine
Songbird sings his song
about auroral dawn
And he thinks it's my last hope
But I know he takes this wrong
'Cause it's far away
Lead me across the shadows
Fill me with safeness
Heat me with love and grace
Be with me
My aurora
Ze sbírky: Riders on the storm
Aurora \ Jitřenka : trvalý odkaz | tisk | RSS komentářů
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Následující dílo autora : Je konec
Předchozí dílo autora : Pravá chvíle
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