přidáno 05.01.2010
hodnoceno 5
čteno 1138(30)
posláno 0
don't tell me i'm insane
just don't tell me anything


i really really don't wanna be an angel
i sware

"just keep the baby, girl"
please, get out of my heart
"it's not a question, it's not so hard"
you make me wanna yell
"we can do it, we can do it"
it's not a goal, it's not a start
"let's fall in love"
things always don't go well...

hold me on, stop the fight
be my dream for a while

just a moment
to forget the stuff

/i don't wanna let my boyfriend to be so ridiculous/
/but there are always some buts/

i was stolen
i was robbed.

why are they crying? world's fine now
skype me

this is not the A P O L O G I Z E you wanted me to give you
it's a fear imprisoned in my head

birth controll pills don't move me higher or farther

it's your baby
it's your baby
it's my baby
it's my baby

don't tell you love me
but i know
you did.

so sorry for and about you

i'm handled
my own fault

this is a race.
i'm gonna to win.

invisible forever
like always.

YOU, not me.



love fornever
přidáno 20.09.2011 - 23:28
I like it. :-)
přidáno 10.01.2010 - 21:30
sorry teress...k anglictine se mi spatne vyjdruje,..doufam, ze se mas fajn..a anet taky
přidáno 07.01.2010 - 21:28
everything is okay... i think so...
but there are the moments in our lifes..u know..:))
přidáno 06.01.2010 - 21:09
wow. nice. I´m a bit scared, everything´s "okay"?
love, m.
přidáno 05.01.2010 - 23:41
why not?;) it's nice, but only one question...why is it a "miniatura"?:)

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