přidáno 30.05.2009
hodnoceno 0
čteno 1379(10)
posláno 0
friendship like ours, is something wonderfull,
you makes me happy, makes me who I am,
you're my light, for you I fight, you makes me full,
I'd like to meeting you again and again,
you're my little sister, my best friend and princess,
without you, I'd lost a big part of myself,
you're the one who helps me clean up my mess,
mess from my head, and throw it from a shelf,
you've been here for me all the times I needed you,
and that's the thing I will never forget,
I want to be here for you too, and that's the way I do,
and our friendship is not something I'd ever regret,
I love you in our unbelieveable way,
and nobody can ever understand what this means,
I want to make you happy every day,
and our memories will never fly away like leafs,
our stories of life, our common interrest,
everything we've ever spent together,
is saved in my memory, like in a birds nest,
and everything we know, we know better,
you know, that I was, and I'm a teddy-bear,
and that's my name for all the time,
I'd like to get back to the days I started to care,
to care about you, to be your mime,
and for the most, to be your best friend...

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Následující dílo autora : Missunderstanding
Předchozí dílo autora : Life

» narozeniny
EmoticoneDonie [13], KOMFORNOT [11], ewon [11], Samael [10]
» řekli o sobě
Meluzina řekla o BorůvkaB :
Myslím, že se v Borůvce snoubí talent s disciplínou. Neustupuje z výborně propracované formální stránky a má co sdělit světu. Jen tak dál!

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