For someone, who doesn´t know... For someone, who I will never be with... But for someone, who I will never stop to love... It's just for someone, who I have always passed by...
přidáno 10.04.2009
hodnoceno 1
čteno 1166(9)
posláno 0

I wish no one asked
how long I've been counting
minutes, days and years.
I can't deny my tears...

All I need is lost
in the dreamer's hideaway.
I know it's my fault,
loneliness is too much cold...

I just wanna break
these chains of memories!
I just wanna close
the book of not fulfilled dreams!

What I suffer from
is not curable.
I die of remorse.
What else could be worse?

Now it's hard to say
what would you do if
I told you the true
that I really loved you...

I just wanna break
these chains of memories.
I just wanna close
the book of not fulfilled dreams...

I wish I could change
the past, the time I wasted
'cause I know my heart
will be always in your hands.

I regret my choice
of not obeying my heart.
Remorse - all I have
Love is immortal - no death.

I just wanna break
these chains of memories.
I just wanna close
the book of not fulfilled dreams...

přidáno 14.04.2009 - 22:13
I just wanna break
these chains of memories.
I just wanna close
the book of not fulfilled dreams...

povedené :)

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Následující dílo autora : Není, ach není!
Předchozí dílo autora : My only love...

» narozeniny
EmoticoneDonie [13], KOMFORNOT [11], ewon [11], Samael [10]
» řekli o sobě
Jamellie řekla o Dream :
Určitě se přečtěte její příběhy, jsou napínavé, osobité a psané opravdu elegantním stylem. :) Věřím, že právě z téhle kamarádské holky bude jednou slavná spisovatelka. ;)

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