je to anglicky. nezkoušejte překládat překladačem, zmrví to mé dílo. /polovolný verš/
přidáno 16.01.2012
hodnoceno 1
čteno 1356(12)
posláno 0
If God exists to settle our lives
Why does Death exist?
If we have the power to change those lives
over God's work
how can we resist?
To not try it.

Death exists to put an end.
Death exists to free you of misery.
Death exists to send you to a better place.
Death exists to mend.

Happiness is a dirty lie;
blood-stained and dark,
it doesn't exist; it's all a lie and I say
there's no happiness.

Love is a feeling you want to have
But it's rarer than it should be
Then walk the path of a broken heart
and pave it with a river of tears.

God exists;
he does, at least I think so,
let him control you as a puppet
let him pull the strings of your faith
make a mistake
and pay the price of being naive.

Feelings are a huge nonsense;
Future is a lie;
Leave the space for death
to take your soul
grab her by her hand
and fly
away from sadness and other
be there for eternity
be happy
make sure you make no conclusions
and as I love to say it;
give your faith in Death's hands
let it shatter your illusions.
přidáno 16.01.2012 - 23:08
there is happiness ... love is ... I´m pretty sure you will come to it one day ...

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» řekli o sobě
veronika řekla o Adrianne Nesser :
anett.. neskutecne si vazim ty duvery, co ke mne hezka,chytra,uprimna ma svy pravy nazory a skvelou poezii plnou lasky, porozumeni, zivota..delas to dobre..bud ty..protoze takhle ses nejlepsi.. sem rada, ze te znam..**

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