přidáno 15.12.2018
necessary conditions for love i have long taken to be understanding, the sort that
predates knowledge, the sort that makes revelation feel like
a kiss that's always been there
and, further, acceptance
but my empiricism finds itself dumbfounded
for you surprise me continuously in the
most delightful ways¨
and i realize that conditions
are not prerequisite (as there are no synonyms)
and that the relationship between
the trees that grow from the earth and air
and the soil and air that feed them
is mutual
and that love is not a fruit
to be picked, ready for eating
but rather the growth of it
in the world and time unstoppable
so i formulate a new hypothesis
and eagerly begin to test it
against your lips

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náčrt : trvalý odkaz

Následující deník autora : chci
Předchozí deník autora : idk

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