no, občas se to takhle děje. Wow. Lovely.
přidáno 20.04.2013
hodnoceno 1
čteno 1079(17)
posláno 0
...Ask properly :)
Ask me if I want you?

and do you?

Let me explain you something.
Sexual attraction is an animal thing.
I see your eyes, your smile and body.
And the way you look at me - like a little cat.
I want you, FOR SURE.
But you can't feel it through facebook.

yea, it's true. So?

I liked a lot the way you kissed my chick today.
I had a feeling that you kissed my lips.
It was so fuckin crazy!
And only the presence of boy and other people stopped us
from tons of hot kisses takin clothes off and fuckin on the table.

wow, it sounds good!
you know, I want kiss your lips.

I felt it yesterday. But you had to go.
We can't tell your friends about it. I understand.
Like: "hey bye everyone, I wanna hang out with Pav now!" :D

Like: "hey, bye everyone, I wanna fuck Pav now,
so I do it. See you later!" :D Why not?

Coz' you left and it's rainy!

Can I C ya on sunday?
přidáno 21.04.2013 - 11:30
I know this very well, it´s terrible...

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