Stream of words webbed from within me.
přidáno 04.05.2018
hodnoceno 1
čteno 1008(4)
posláno 0
Rendered helpless
from the get go.
Innocent and blameless
growing slow.

All life held back by
past as useful aliby.
Ungrateful lullaby
Life screams at you;
“It is time and it is nigh.”

But that perseverance
shapes your presence.
Slips through fingers
at infinite rate
as you rage and plan.

Growing to the age
unable to learn the ways.
Covered by a misty haze.
Future is an obstacle
neatly placed.

Flicker in the universe.
Eon that had passed.
From the get go to the end;
rendered helpless.

přidáno 28.07.2018 - 15:59
A wonderful poem reminding us about the cost of life and the bill ever so close to coming due. Simple, yet frightening.

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Následující dílo autora : Zdravá konkurence
Předchozí dílo autora : Zaručené zprávy

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