přidáno 03.03.2010
I think I died yesterday. It was horribly painful and then I woke up into some unknown world. It seems to be the same, but I know it's a fake, cause it's completely different. Nothing is where I left it yesterday, and people, they are different most of all. Everything in this weird world is trying to persuade me that everything's ok, people are trying to confuse me.

I think I'm dead and it isn't so terrible. Actually, it's better than to be alive, cause I don't have to feel.
There are no feelings when you're dead. The greatest advantage of being dead is that there are no feelings. No love.
There's nothing worth fighting for.

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I think I died yesterday : trvalý odkaz

Následující deník autora : Soukromé lži
Předchozí deník autora : Rakovina

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